Oct 30, 2016
In this episode, we are joined by Josh from Ask A Punk Podcast and we might now hold the record for most hedgehog innuendo in a single episode. We don't know who gives out those awards, but we're definitely interested in finding out. We also talk about who - or what - creates crop circles, cyber vandalism, peasant...
Oct 23, 2016
We've talked a lot about aliens trying to kill us. Here at It Gets Weird we think we've generally given aliens a pretty bad rap so far. No longer. This week we walk Mantis aliens, who may be here to kill us all but could just be here to save humans from destroying themselves. One out of two ain't bad! We also talk...
Oct 16, 2016
So what if forest's don't actually exist? Collin is back, joining us as Kyle explains a flat earth conspiracy that claims that forests are a lie. Are they actually bushes? Is Paul Bunyan involved somehow? Did the Devil's Tower win an Oscar for its breakout performance in 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind'? This one's...
Oct 9, 2016
Mind parasites have infiltrated our society! These electrical mercury-fetus mind-invaders want you to be their personal old-country buffet! Want to know who's been taken over and how to stop it from happening to you? The Illuminati knows about it, Area 51 knows about it, people on psychotropic drugs know it, and neither...
Oct 2, 2016
You thought we were stopping at episode ten? We can't do that to you guys and you simply cannot get rid of us. This week Kyle tackles the Nazi mind control conspiracy, leading to discussions about everything from Zoolander and pop stars, to Walt Disney, the Baron Lord of Hell. It's time to update your mind...