Nov 27, 2016
Remember when the LA Times reported about lizard people living in tunnels under Los Angeles? Those were the good old days...Or perhaps you didn't read the LA Times in 1934? That's fair. Then let us tell you the story of a crazy archaeological dig that swept LA before suddenly disappearing without explanation. We are...
Nov 20, 2016
We've done a lot of aliens, the paranormal, and Illuminati craziness. Does your palate require a cleansing? Do you want something a little closer to reality? This week Kyle takes us through a favorite unsolved case of his, the 1948 Australian mystery "Taman Shud" case, aka the "Somertan Man." Was he a Russian Spy? Did...
Nov 13, 2016
It only took us 17 episodes to work our way back around to It Gets Weird's own humble, hairy beginnings. Time is a flat circle and all that jazz. This week we blow the lid off the Yeti conspiracy, folks. We are joined by our yeti-loving friend, Garrett, as we dismantle everything you thought you knew about our Himalayan...
Nov 6, 2016
Welcome to week 16 of It Gets Weird. This week Kyle blows the lid off of the Denver Airport and all of its Illuminati and Nazi conspiracies. Are there secret underground tunnels filled with Nazis and reptilians waiting for the perfect moment to rise? Does the horse statue Blucifer light up when people sin? Is...