Sep 30, 2018
Hey everyone, time for a new episode of It Gets Weird! This week, Nile tells Kyle the tragic story of the seer Baba Vanga. Kyle also learns about her terrifying - and terrifyingly dope - prophecies. We also give ourselves a full-blown existential crisis in this one. Are we just God's clicker game app? What happened to...
Sep 23, 2018
Hello oneironauts and lucid newbies! Welcome to a sleepy "dream"cast with the It Gets Weird boys. This week Kyle elucidates Nile on the subject of lucid dreaming - specifically, how to enter a lucid dream state. Are you WILDin' or DILDin'? Do you wanna fly around like a bird in this wonderful dream, or are you just...
Sep 16, 2018
Hello friends and family, we're back again! We'll never stop comin'. This week, we're heading back to the Vatican for a slew of conspiracies leaking out of one place: the Vatican's "Secret Library." So grab your library card, dodge the shushing papal librarians, and uncover the secrets of the Chronovisor, the...
Sep 9, 2018
We're back, a sasquatch's story! This week we have friend of the podcast Kim on to discuss the Bigfoot / Human War of 1855. Yes, really. According to urban legend, humans fought a short-lived but super-de-duper violent war with...a bigfoot. Or rather some bigfeet. Three of them. Sounds absurd, right? Grab your...
Sep 2, 2018
Normally we deal with dead dogs here on IGW, but this week they get to strike back in the form of Hellhounds. Guest host Jules joins us as we talk about some hellhound stories from around the world. We also get to the bottom of some guard mix-ups, try to link every popular fantasy franchise to these devil dogs, and much...