Apr 26, 2020
Hello friends and weirdos! Part two of Nile's coverage of secret supersoldier Andy Pero kicks off with a gunshot. Kyle could not be more excited for the continuing saga of the Project Superman darling. Andy begins training with guns now, and he's basically a video game character. We talk about the bizarre "plot holes"...
Apr 19, 2020
Hey there friends and weirdos, welcome back! This week Nile begins our journey into a deep dive on the story of a man named Andy Pero. If you believe his story, Pero is a former covert government supersoldier from a clandestine operation known as Project Superman. Was Pero capable of scaling tall buildings in a single...
Apr 12, 2020
Hey there friends and weirdos! In this episode, Kyle puts Nile through a rollercoaster of emotions about the funny pages of old. Our topic this week is Scott Adams, Dilbert creator and, uh, burgeoning conspiracy theorist. What does Mr. Adams think of evolution, climate change, and hypnotism? Hint: it's kinda weird. We...
Apr 5, 2020
Hey there friends and weirdos! In this one, Nile begins our coverage of the various Ancient Aliens conspiracies with a broad perspective. We talk about a number of supporters of the theory, such as Giorgio Tsoukalos, Erich von Däniken, and even Carl Sagan! We look at the possible roots of Ancient Aliens conspiracy,...