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Sep 30, 2024

Hey there friends and weirdos! This week Jules joins Nile and Kyle to learn about a cryptid from the deep south: the Alabama White Thang! That's right, it's a Thang and not a Thing. Is this guy just a weird white Bigfoot variant? Or is it closer to a dog-beast creature of some sort? We also ask the big questions: who up...

Sep 22, 2024

Hey there friends and weirdos! This week, Kyle tells Nile all about the story of Donald Shrum and his harrowing all-nighter fending off a group of strange humanoid aliens! Can a cigar-shaped mothership UFO, a small saucer scout ship, a pack of five or six humanoid goggle-eyed aliens, and a vapor-expelling robot take...

Sep 16, 2024

Hey there friends and weirdos! This week, long-time friend of the show Collin joins the Weird Boys to learn about Jane Adams and the Devil Baby haunting of Hull House! How does the story of a "devil baby" travel across the midwest United States and why did thousands of people flock to Hull House to catch a glimpse of...

Sep 9, 2024

Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we conclude the story of Sidney Gottlieb, the so-called "Poisoner in Chief" who operated the CIA's super secret MK-ULTRA program from the shadows. Was the hippie counter-culture movement the result of a CIA-funded LSD operation? How did the freaks over at the CIA create actual...

Sep 2, 2024

Hey there friends and weirdos! This week we continue our journey into the life and work of the CIA's mad chemist, Sidney Gottlieb. How did Gottlieb end up working on MK-ULTRA with all the spooks and kooks that came with it? And how exactly did they pull off this disturbing mind control conspiracy without the public's...