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Feb 26, 2017

Welcome to our second installment of Campfire Stories! Both hosts bring a story and we have our guest pick one to try and escape from with their life. This week we are joined by friend of the show Collin who gets to pick between a bad deal done at the crossroads or escaping from a haunted Toys"R"Us. For fans...

Feb 19, 2017

This week we have our first ever (extra-long) crossover episode! The guys at Flannel Cakes podcast invited us to their wonderful home to eat some Keebler cereal, watch some cartoons, and talk about conspiracies. We revisit the Mandela Effect, the Berenstain Bears, sugary cereals, and all sorts of other fun topics. So go...

Feb 12, 2017

It's episode 30 and Kyle thinks that means we're in the triple digits! Nile doesn't have the heart to tell him that's not how it works. Luckily, Kyle comes correct with conspiracy content that spans the Atlanteans, the Annunaki, Archangel Gabriel, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. If you've never heard of the the Neruda Interviews,...

Feb 5, 2017

Welcome to episode 29 of It Gets Weird where we are joined by friend Alec from Geek A&E podcast for an in-depth look at Hitler moving to Argentina and really changing up his lifestyle. We also discuss Hitler's 90's action figure line, the biggest dick in the world, and if Hitler dated a Brazilian woman while hiding out...