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Jun 25, 2023

Hey there friends and weirdos! This week, Nile begins part one of an investigation of  a slew of mystery airship sightings between 1896 and 1897 across the United States. Were eccentric wannabe aviators causing a ruckus, or was it all a big, elaborate prank performed by a prankster society? Or was it, like many...

Jun 18, 2023

Hey there friends and weirdos! This week, Kyle teaches Nile about the history of Pennsylvania, how that history led to the localized practice of a Christian mysticism called "pow-wow", and how pow-wow is used to defend against a mysterious entity known as Trotterhead. What the hell is Trotterhead and how can you defend...

Jun 11, 2023

Hey there friends and weirdos! This week, Nile tries to get to the bottom of the real life story that inspired the 1973 horror film, The Exorcist! Did one "Roland Doe" undergo a harrowing exorcism as a young boy, or were some of the details fudged? Did Jesuit and Catholic priests do battle with the Devil, resulting in a...

Jun 5, 2023

This week, Kyle tries to pull the wool over your eyes as we delve into two of the more famous creature hoaxes in history. We take a look at the Fiji Mermaid and the De Loys Ape while also discussing chimera, ape genitals and the joy of a good old-fashioned con man!