May 26, 2019
Hello weirdos and welcome back! On this episode, Nile introduces Kyle to the idea of "starseeds." Is the human race truly descended from extraterrestrials, as Ancient Aliens star Giorgio Tsoukalos posits? Is it more of a spiritual thing? Hard to say, but we now know the process with which we can find out, and that is...
May 19, 2019
Greetings friends and welcome to a new episode of It Gets Weird! Bigfoot researcher and enthusiast Mike Familant joins us to talk the finer points of 'squatching! We get to hear stories, learn techniques, and gain better understanding of the world of the Bigfoot Hunter! If you want to hear more from Mike and his...
May 12, 2019
Hey there weirdos! Welcome back to It Gets Weird. This week we're joined by friend of the podcast Garrett to discuss more stories from David Paulides's Missing 411 stories. We have three more stories about strange disappearances in United States National Parks. We also talk Succubi, the Antichrist, and the formless...
May 5, 2019
Hey there weirdos and welcome to a new episode of It Gets Weird! This week, Nile tells us a UFO story from a part of the world we have yet to explore on the show: Zimbabwe. We're talking about an incident where a group of sixty-two schoolchildren witnessed a UFO and its alien occupant...who apparently had luscious...