Mar 26, 2017
Hey guys, welcome to It Gets Weird - Episode 36 (the Three Six Mafia spectacular). This week we've got our very first killer cryptid story for you. For anyone in the Louisville, KY area, watch out because the Pope Lick Monster can sound like your dad, your mom, your partner, or even your congressman! He even tries to...
Mar 19, 2017
Kyle, Garrett, and Nile found a documentary called "Curse of the Man Who Sees UFOs" and loved it. Thanks to the magic of social media, we got in touch with both the star and director of the film, Christo Roppolo and Justin Gaar respectively, who were kind enough to let us interview them. We talk about everything from...
Mar 12, 2017
Greetings! This week we are joined by our good friend (and dinosaur enthusiast) Garrett to find out if dinosaurs are still around. Did the Rothschilds hide the continued existence of dinosaurs? Does the bible blow up the current timeline of dinosaur extinction? Can Nile ever say the word "Behemoth" correctly? Find out...
Mar 5, 2017
For episode 33 we went back to our basics: two friends, a conspiracy, and pop culture references. We dove headfirst into the waters of a hoax gone too far to find out if Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landing in exchange for power in Hollywood. We talk secret messages, the feasibility of this level of cover-up, and who...