Dec 26, 2021
Hey there friends and weirdos! In this one, Nile tells Kyle all about Dorothy Martin and her 1950s UFO cult. What happens when a bunch of Space Brothers believers all get together and prepare themselves for abduction by their alien saviors? What happens when that group is infiltrated by plants? And wildest of all, what...
Dec 19, 2021
Hey there friends and weirdos! In this one, Kyle decided to once again investigate some New Age-y, alternative medicine-y stuff. Specifically, we're talking about Igor Charkovsky, the Russian midwife who "invented" water birthing. We dig into Charkovsky's, uh, "methods" utilizing the sea, dolphins, and deranged "baby...
Dec 12, 2021
Hey there friends and weirdos! In this one, we finally talk about an incredibly famous UFO event...somehow after 280 episodes, we're discussing the Battle of Los Angeles! How is it that the Battle of LA hasn't factored into more modern conspiracies? What UFO caused the military to unload a significant portion of...
Dec 5, 2021
Hey there friends and weirdos! In this one, Kyle regales Nile with tales of the Patagonian cryptid simply known as "El Cuero," which translates to "the leather hide." What in the world is this creature? Well, it looks quite a bit like leather animal hide that's come to life! This may be one of the weirdest cryptids...